While this website may be under construction, Joyometry is available now! Please contact us to schedule your energetic vibrational H.E.A.L.ing* and Share-apy** session!
* we use the term H.E.A.L. not to imply something needs to be fixed but simply moving energy with holistic Hemispheric Energy Alignment with Love from the inside out! We can choose to release and heal the old limiting patterns of dis-ease and scarcity and consciously choose to connect our younique energy flow to the energy of unity and abundance! This is powerful OTJ Training (On The Journey!)
** we call our sessions "Share-apy" to honor the therapeutic energy exchange that is experienced by each and every person involved in sharing this energy!
Open yourself to experiencing a variety of vibrational energy alignment and unification practices :
Energy, vibrational, crystal light healing and alignment services with the Sofia Starlight Andara Crystal Joy Spirals and Grids. Be guided to have your signature energy reflect the energy of sacred geometry, crystalline light codes, multi-dimensional geometric vortices, and ancient wisdom. Energy healing and alignment on all dimensions experienced in the right way, in the right time according to your soul path.
The Joy of N.O.W. Spiral Meditation with ChiALMga℠. Co-create joyful energy by practicing this 4-part moving meditation inspired by Metatron's Cube and Sofia Starlight Andara & Gaia Crystal Light Codes that beautifully connect us to crystalline light energy, breath, soul energy toning and joyful movements to unify body, emotions, mind and spirit. Developed on the foundation of HUM (Hemishperic Unity Movement) based in whole brain evolution science and energyFLOOW (Freely and Lovingly Owning Our Wholeness)
Ascension Holistic Healing (healing that will leave you saying AHH!)
Crystal energy and light code synergy
Sound healing with Quartz Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowl atTUNEments amplified with Sofia Starlight and Gaia crystals... come 'pleia-des' bowls with us to align with and shine your starlight energy!
Crystal Bio-mat healing therapy sessions with add-on energy of crystals, tuning forks, HUM tones
EnergyFLOOW 4ums
Practice your second language of Intuition! Intuitive and oracle card readings with angel messages and ancient wisdom share-apy
TONE UP with Soul Energy Toning sessions with the principle of HUM